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AGM Minutes 2018/19

Salaams dear USMAA members, Please find attached the AGM minutes for FY 2018/19 USMAA AGM Minutes 2019 Final Jzk,..Management Committee (3 July 2020)

Media release by AAGGSL in support of bro Hizbullah

Salaams dear members, Please find attached a media statement generated by the organisation, Australian Advocacy for Good Governance in Sri Lanka in support of a Muslim brother. We thank Sis Sithy for bringing this to our attention and the president of AAGGSL, Dr...

Police Commissioner Responds

Dear USMAA members, Recently USMAA extended its condolences to the the Victorian Police Commissioner, Mr Graham Ashton. Today we received a letter thanking USMAA for its support. We are part of the Australian fabric, therefore we stand together with our community....

Notice | Update on Calendar of Events

Assalamu Alaikum dear Brothers and Sisters, We hope everyone is taking precautions during these trying times and we ask Allah to keep us safe. Given the on-going COVID-19 pandemic situation and the equally worse pandemonium among the public, the USMAA Management...

Dhikr Night

When : 14 March 2020 Where : Mulgrave Community Centre 355, Wellington Road, Mulgrave What to bring : Musalla What will be provided : Light refreshments

SGM – 25-AUG-2019

Thursday, 1 August 2019 Assalamu Alaikum Brothers and Sisters,   Notice of Special General Meeting (SGM) Pursuant to section 10.1 of the USMAA, Inc. Constitution, please note that a Special General Meeting will be held to elect a new Management Committee and fill...

SGM – 24-NOV-2018

Click below to view the official SGM Notice SGM Notice Below are the proposed changes for the SGM on 24th November 2018 Proposed Changes 24 November 2018 Below is the constitution with the changes if approved on 24 November 2018 USMAAConstitution 2018