Constitution Review Subcommittee

Constitution review process

The constitution must be amended only by special resolution at either an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting

Each member of the association who is entitled to vote at general meetings must be given at least 21 days’ notice of the proposed resolution(s), in the manner provided by the rules of the Association.
The notice must:
i. specify the date, time and place of the General Meeting at which the resolution is to be proposed;
ii. state in full the proposed resolution as well as the intention and purpose

Amendments will not be valid unless passed by three fourths (3/4) of the members present and entitled to vote.

 The Management Committee will have the discretion to decide whether voting on special resolutions should be conducted by secret ballot or by a simple show of hands

 Any changes to the Constitution made in accordance with the above, shall be filed with the relevant authority in compliance with current legislative requirements

Potential Constitution Review SC Members

USMAA President, Dr Fahmi Haniffa, Dr Ritzvi Mohideen, Bro Rizwan Mohinudeen, Bro Hilmy Cader, etc

Items to be included (or to be considered) into the Constitution


Item Created by/at Authorised by Evidence
USMAA Policies including Janaza policy MC TBA TBA
USMAA Mission/ Vision/ Values MC TBA TBA
Non calculation of Depreciation for the small asset base AGM Membership SGM minutes of 12/09/2020
Market Values be used to record the price changes of the burial plot asset on the Balance sheet AGM Membership SGM minutes of 12/09/2020
USMAA will follow a cash based accounting system going forward AGM Membership AGM minutes of 24/07/2021
New Subcommittees      
Matrimonial SC (note: 2 members for a 3 year period) AGM Membership AGM minutes of 24/07/2021
Community & SL Affairs Advisory Group SC (note: 5 members for a 3 year period) AGM Membership AGM minutes of 24/07/2021
Updates to existing Subcommittees      
Positive Ageing SC – allocate $500 annually from member subs AGM Membership AGM minutes of 24/07/2021
Youth SC – allocate $500 annually from member subs AGM Membership AGM minutes of 24/07/2021


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