New Member

Your support is vital for the continuity of USMAA. Please fill the form below and submit it to to become a member of USMAA. Members are requested to pay their subscriptions within the first two months of the new financial year.

Note : USMAA is a volunteer run organisation. New members are encouraged to join the management committee (MC) and to contribute to the community.

Members are kindly reminded that the MC members are not paid hence it is only fair to lower your expectations on any of the services provided by  USMAA.


‘Annual membership fees

Category of Membership Fee
Individual (18 & Above) AUD 40.00
Family AUD 75.00
Student (Full Time Only) AUD 20.00
Pensioner AUD 20.00
Pensioner Family AUD 30.00
  1. All paper applications must be completed and signed by a proposer who is a current financial member of USMAA (please confirm with the current Treasurer regarding financial status of nominating member).
  2. The USMAA Constitution is available in the ‘Governance & Polices’ page
  3. Each paper application should be accompanied with the correct subscription fee for the year. Note: Applications for membership will not be processed without the fees.
  4. Fees and donations should be paid either by Cash, Money order, Bank transfer/deposit or Cheque drawn in favour of USMAA.
  5. The completed paper application form together with the subscription fee (no cash to be mailed) should be forwarded to the following postal address:

The Secretary USMAA P. O. Box 5194 Brandon Park Victoria 3150

The applicant will be informed in due course of the committee’s decision. Please allow 2 weeks for this process.

Bank Details
BSB: 063 121 Acc#: 10185803