Salaams to our USMAA Community,
USMAA Committee has submitted the application to Monash Community Grants Program for the “Halls Only” Grants. This is the title of the Grants application, which has been lodged and submitted on the City of Monash Portal – Smarty Grants. This was submitted on the 1st March 2023.
USMAA Committee had already applied to hire this hall (for the next three years) back in November 2022.
The “Hall Only” Grant application is the next step for the hire and bookings of this hall for the period 1 July 2023 – 30 June 2026. This grant application is for the next cycle of three years. This grant when approved is given “in kind”, hence it is not a cash grant, is then applied towards the fee of the hall bookings application.
Insha-Allah – We ask the Almighty Allah to make this application successful. Ameen.
The outcome is usually announced by the month of May.